konsultacje dla rodziców z psycholożką specjalistką od dwujęzyczności dziecięcej

Individual consultations for parents

I am a psychologist dealing with the development of bilingual children and an expert supporting multilingual families. I also conduct research on the impact of digital media on child development.

In my work, I combine my knowledge from over ten years of scientific work with over eight years of individual work with families.. In the “About me” section you can read about my professional experience.

Below you will find my offer of individual meetings for parents. It includes consultations on bilingualism or multilingualism in the family and related challenges, as well as consultations on children and digital media.

Consultation on the child bilingual development

Bilingual and multilingual upbringing are quite a challenge. You may have a lot of questions and doubts, especially at the beginning of your journey. I’m here to support you.
  • Are you wondering how to choose the best strategy for bilingual upbringing in your family?
  • Are you looking for specific ways to support your child’s language development?
  • Are you currently facing bilingual challenges in your family?
  • Are you wondering which phenomena in the development of bilingual children are typical and which are not?
  • Are you wondering how to deal with multilingualism in your family?

Make an appointment for individual consultations. Together we will develop solutions and ways to support your child and/or the whole family.

Consultations take place on the Zoom or Google Meets platform. Before the session, I will send you a link to the meeting via e-mail. I offer consultations in English and Polish.

The sessions last 50 minutes. Get an individual consultation.

If you are not sure if I am the right person to consult the problem you are struggling with, write to me at info@joannakolak.com and briefly describe the issue that you would like to discuss with me. I will then be able to assess whether solving your problem falls within my competence or if it is better for you to make an appointment with a speech therapist or a child psychologist (I can provide recommendations).

Consultation on children and digital media

Introducing digital media to children at preschool or early school age is often associated with various questions and concerns on the part of parents. You may have questions like these in your mind:
  • Is it too early for my child to use media?
  • How much time can a child at a given age spend in front of a screen?
  • What kind of content will be valuable for them, and what kind of content should they rather avoid?
  • How to implement home screen rules (and what are they)?
  • How to deal with the child’s problematic behaviour in relation to media?

Make an appointment for individual consultations, and together we will discuss solutions and ways to support your child and/or the whole family. Consultations take place on the Zoom or Google Meets platform. Before the session, I will send you a link to the meeting via e-mail. Sessions last 50 minutes.

Get an individual consultation.

What does the consultation look like?

During the consultation, we discuss your situation. We take into account your needs, resources and motivation. I often give you several possible solutions or ideas. I also offer follow-up consultations at a discount so that in a while we can check whether the proposed solutions and ideas have proven effective for you and whether you need additional support or advice.

I run consultations in English and in Polish.

Get an individual consultation.